
In British Columbia, some vaccines are covered by your government funded Medical Services Plan (MSP), while others require you to pay privately.

For children ≤ 4 years old (kindergarten entry), childhood vaccines are provided by your local Public Health Unit. These are free for all children. For older children , vaccines are usually given at school through the school’s immunization program. Vaccinations occur at grade 6 and grade 9.

For adults, full information can be found at the bottom of this page: Information that applies to most patients are listed below. If you believe you are missing a vaccination, please contact your local Public Health Unit.

To book childhood vaccinations in Burnaby, please call 604-476-7087.
For Vancouver, please call your local Public Health Unit.

Free Vaccinations

  1. Flu shot: This shot is recommended yearly. Since the start of COVID19, BC has been providing the flu shot for free for everyone once a year (previously, only patients at high risk were covered). You can book a flu shot at your local pharmacy, or click here for more information.
  2. Tetanus shot: This shot protects you against a bacteria that releases a toxin that can cause painful muscle contractions and respiratory failure. It is often spready by significant injuries involving dirty metal objects, soil, or feces. A Tetanus Booster is recommended every 10 years, and can be obtained at your family doctor’s office.
  3.  HPV Vaccine: This shot protects against genital warts and certain cancers. It is free for men and women between 19 and 26 years old. Please click here for more information. To book a free HPV vaccine, please contact your local public health unit.
  4. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (Pneumovax23): This shot protects you against certain causes of pneumonia (lung infection). This shot is usually given at age 65, and can be obtained at your family doctor’s office. 

Private-Pay Vaccinations

These vaccinations are not covered by MSP. However, if you have private health insurance, your plan may cover the costs of the vaccination. Please contact your health insurance provider or pharmacist for more information.

  1. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (Prevnar13): This shot covers different types of pneumococcal bacteria (compared to Pneumovax23). This shot is usually given 1 year before or 1 year after the Pneumovax23. The cost is ~$130 + tax + dispensing fees. The shot requires a prescription from your family doctor, and can be obtained at your pharmacy. The pharmacist or your family doctor can administer the shot.
  2. Shingrix: This shot protects you against shingles, a viral infection that causes painful blisters on your skin (and sometimes in your eyes or other body parts). Most importantly, 20% of people who develop shingles go on to have post-herpetic neuropathy, or permanent pain at the site of infection. Shingrix is about 70-90% effective at preventing post-herpetic neuropathy from developing. The shot is available for anyone over the age of 50. The shot is a 2-dose series, spaced 2-6 months apart. Each shot costs ~$165 + tax + dispensing fees. The shot requires a prescription from your family doctor, and can be obtained at your pharmacy. The pharmacist or your family doctor can administer the shot.
  3. HPV vaccine: This shot is recommended but not provided for free for most individuals 18-45 years old. Please click here for more information. The vaccinations can usually be obtained at your local Public Health Unit, but some pharmacies might have it as well. It is a 3 dose series. The cost for each Gardasil 9 is ~$215 + tax + dispensing fees, and you will require 3 shots.