General Information:
Dyspepsia is a feeling of pain or discomfort in your upper abdominal area. It can be caused by issues such as gastro-esophageal reflux disorder (GERD, also known as acid reflux). Most of the time the symptoms can be controlled with simple changes in your life:
- If you have GERD and you are overweight or have recently gained weight, weight loss may be helpful. Otherwise, maintain a healthy body weight.
- Reduce the size of meals and, if needed, increase the frequency of meals
- Elevate the head of the bed by 6-8 inches (e.g. with blocks, textbooks, Styrofoam wedge)
- DO **NOT** use extra pillows to elevate your head. This will make your symptoms worse. You must elevate the head of the BED.
- Avoid eating meals or drinking large amounts of liquid in the 2-3 hours before lying down / bedtime
- Eliminate dietary triggers, e.g. caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, peppermint
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco
How to elevate the head of the bed
- This website shows you how you can elevate the head of the bed
- You can buy blocks like these from Amazon to elevate the head of the bed.
When should I see a doctor again?
- Follow-up with your doctor if your symptoms continue despite trying ALL of the above.
- Follow-up with your doctor right away if you have unexplained weight loss, difficulty swallowing foods or liquids, black tarry stools, or vomiting of blood